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The Chemistry between us #Friction

She's as sweet as a flower in fact... that's her name. Well kind of at least. Her name is Iris and she is in fact the most beautiful girl at my school. But.... she's on the volleyball team and I'm well I'm not mister popular and cool. Oh yea my name is Luka by the way and as cool as that name sounds I'm a complete loser. But there was always a chemistry between us. Whether it was friction, gravity or just love at first sight it was there. From the second I met her correction from the second I saw her I loved her. Im not exactly sure if she feels the same way but we have been best friends since well... since forever. I didn't like her in THAT way at first, but over the years I've grown to love her. We just go together so well kind of like PB and J or Issac Newton and Gravity. I need her not just want but NEED. Without her my life would be so....dull, but she's going off to collage in a different state tomorrow.

" Oh come on Luka you'll be fine" She nudged him with her arm interupting his thoughts

" Fine?? Im going to be so lost without you here to guide me!" he protested trying to convince her not to leave

" You can call me anytime you need a guide or guardian but you know its always been my dream to go to Full Sail, and I can't do it staying here. I need to find my place and my place is music." She said sympathetically as she continued to pack.

" B-but there's an online course you can take. Then you can stay here with me err.... I mean then you can stay here with all of the people that love you." His voice cracked as he tried to keep calm. He couldn't bear to lose her for 4 years.

Iris sat down next to Luka " This is hard for me to you know, but... I need this. I need to get away from this small town and into the real world to follow my dreams."

Luka stood up " I... I need to go..... Goodbye Iris" Without a second to spear he ran out of the house and into his own as tears spilled from his eyes.

Iris lay in bed for a while as her own eyes watered. She loved him and couldn't bear to walk away from something so precious but she had to leave there was no choice.


As Iris put the last of her bags in the trunk she looked back to see if Luka was there. Not seeing him she sighed. Of course he wasn't going to show. He never liked goodbyes. She got into her car and just as she was about to close the door she saw a boy running towards her with a goodbye package.

" Iris!! W-wait!! I wanna give you something before you go." Luka ran up to her and handed her a small pink box " Open it when your on the road"

And with that they parted neither wanting to say goodbye but neither being able to hold the other back.

Iris drove for hours before remembering the package Luka had given her. She was pulled over so she opened it. Inside there was a memory box of all the memories they had shared together and some of her favorite food. Thats not all though there was also a note that read;

Dear Iris,

You have been my best friend since we could walk. I grew up living right next-door to you and having all these memories. Now for something I've been wanting to say for as long as I can remember


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